Determination of Surrey’s admission arrangements for community and voluntary controlled schools and coordinated schemes – 2020

The admission arrangements for Surrey’s community and voluntary controlled schools for 2020 and Surrey’s primary and secondary coordinated schemes for 2020 were determined by Surrey’s Full Council on 5 February 2019. The following documents, which set out Surrey’s arrangements, are available in full on the Surrey County Council website

  • Admission arrangements for community & voluntary controlled schools
  • APPENDIX 1 – Published admission numbers (PANs)
  • APPENDIX 2 – Schools which will operate shared sibling priority for admissions
  • APPENDIX 3 – Own admission authority schools which will be considered in the assessment of nearest school
  • APPENDIX 4 – Catchment map for Southfield Park Primary School
  • APPENDIX 5 – Catchment map for Woodmansterne Primary School
  • Coordinated schemes for admission to primary and secondary school for 2020/21
  • Surrey’s Relevant Area for admissions 2020

As part of the determination the following changes have been applied:

  1. Furzefield Primary, Reigate & Banstead: reduction of Reception PAN from 60 to 58
  2. Wallace Fields Junior, Epsom & Ewell: change to the measuring points used to assess nearest school and home to school distance
  3. Children previously in state care outside England who left that care as a result of being adopted: inclusion within criterion 2 for children with an exceptional social/medical need

Any person or body who considers that any aspect of these admission arrangements are unlawful or not in compliance with the School Admissions Code or relevant law relating to admissions, can make an objection to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator.  Objections must be referred by 15 May 2019 and further information on how to make an objection can be obtained from the Office of the Schools Adjudicator website.

2020 determined – Suggested form of wording