Don’t Be Sheepish About Ringing Crimestoppers!
Don’t be sheepish!
Call Crimestoppers anonymously..
Could you help me promote a national campaign that Crimestoppers are launching on 12th March and which Surrey Police have asked me to participate on rural crime?
A large part of Surrey is rural but criminals don’t look at boundaries and can live in towns and cities and so this message that we are trying to find them is just as important if your parish covers a more urban community.
Surrey Police cannot react to rural crime issues if close knit communities are reluctant to come forward and give information about what is happening and who is involved. Crimestoppers offers a completely anonymous safe and secure route for local people to get information about any criminal activity in their community through to Surrey Police. Crimestoppers guarantee of anonymity is over 25 years old and is so comprehensive and water tight that even they don’t know who you are when you call 0800 555 111 or use the online form at
We want the criminals to know that there is nowhere to hide as anyone, without fear, can pass on information about who is involved in rural crime and what they are doing to Crimestoppers anonymously.
‘Scene it. Herd it. Speak up about it. Anonymously’
Please click on link to read article – Rural Crime Article 2014