GBC Traveller Accommodation Assessments

Guildford Borough Council are planning on updating our Traveller Accommodation Assessment and as part of this process will undertake interviews with our travelling community.

From Monday 16 January to 1 February 2017 Mill Field Services, on behalf of Guildford Borough Council, will be going to known Gypsy and Traveller and Travelling Showpeople sites across Guildford borough to interview travellers about their likely housing needs over the next 5 years. We have also asked Mill Field Services to interview travellers that are living in bricks and mortar housing in Guildford borough to hear about their housing needs.

If you know of any Guildford based traveller, particularly those living in bricks and mortar housing that we may be unaware of,  that may want to be interviewed please refer them to Sam Hutchison or Teri Hepburn on 01483 444891 or alternatively email with their contact details and address.