Normandy Parish Council is committed to transparency and open government. We will be adding documents on the website as they are published. These documents will usually be in PDF form. Other documents will be added as and when requested or notified.
If you have any queries, please contact the Parish Clerk - Contact Us page.
Strategic Approach 2022-2027
Our Mission:
To serve our community through working in partnership
Strategic Approach 2022 [pdf]
Standing Orders
The Standing Orders contains two major sections.
Part I is intended as guide for those presiding at meetings of the Councils and its Committees and Working Partied and a source to refer to when there is a procedural difficulty during a meeting.
Part II provides a complete set of Standing Orders incorporating various new requirements, such as those to be observed under the new Code of Conduct. Even if Standing Orders have not been formally adopted, a chairman can use them as a basis for rulings on procedures if there is a dispute.
Financial Regulations
The financial regulations govern the conduct of the financial transactions of Normandy Parish Council.
Complaints Procedure
The Complaints Procedure outlined for members of the public regarding all matters relating to Normandy Parish Council.
Normandy Parish Council (NPC) is committed to making its website accessible, in accordance with the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. We are continually improving the user experience for everyone and applying the relevant accessibility standards.
Code of Conduct
The code of conduct outlines the standards that members of the council adhere to during their term in office.
Members' Code of Conduct May 2021
Register of Interests
Members' Allowances
The Local Authorities (Members' Allowances) (England) Regulations 2003 (SI.2003/1021) is applicable to Normandy Parish Council.
Regulation 25 allows for a parish or town council to pay a basic allowance to either its chairman only, or to each of its elected members (the amount for the Chairman may differ from that of the other members). The allowance is not a salary – it is to cover the general expenses of being a local councillor. Specific travelling and subsistence expenses are covered separately, and can be claimed when appropriate.
Some parish councils do choose to pay a basic allowance to their elected members. Normandy Parish Council, in common with many others, does NOT pay any Basic Allowance to members.
Employee Handbook
The Employee Handbook contains all Policies and Forms relating to Personnel and HR matters - it includes such topics as Health and Safety, Recruitment, Pay, Sickness and Absence.
Fixed Assets
Parish Councils must maintain an asset register to ensure fixed assets are appropriately safeguarded. Once recorded on the asset register, the value of assets must not change from year to year until disposal; concepts of depreciation and impairment adjustments are not appropriate for local councils. The register provides a basis for decisions on risk and insurance issues and provides information on the age and lifespan of items. It is a working document and regularly updated.
Financial Controls & Audit
Please click on the below links to view each document.
Notice of Public Rights 2024 - Any person interested has the right to inspect and make copies of the accounting records for this financial year to which the audit relates. These records are available for inspection from Tuesday 25 June to Monday 5 August 2024. Please see attached document for more information.
AGAR Internal Audit report 2023-24
Declaration of accounting statement 2023-2024
External Auditor’s Report and Certificate 2023-24
Notice of the Exercise of Public Rights of Inspection
Annual Internal Auditors Report 2023
Declaration of unaudited accounts
External Auditor Report and Certificate 2023
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2023
Notice of Public Rights 2022 abridged
External Auditor Report and Certificate 2021-2022
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 2022
Normandy PC - Internal Auditor's report March 2021
Normandy Parish Council AGAR 2020-21
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 31March21
Annual Governance Statement 2019-20 and External Audit Report
NPC Audit Annual return year ended 31 Mar 2020
Register of Assets 2020 (excel document)
Notice of Public Rights & Publication Accounts for year ended 31March20
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 31March19
Notice of Conclusion of Audit final 31Mar19
Annual Internal Audit Report 2018-19
Notice of Conclusion of Audit 31March18
Annual Internal Audit Report 2017-18
Annual Governance Statement 2017-18
NPC notice of conclusion of audit Nov 2017
Annual Accounts Audit Information March 2017 [PDF]
Data Protection
The council respects people's personal data and it is the Council’s policy that data will only be retained for as long as is necessary for operational and /or legal requirements.
Freedom of Information Statement
The Council follows the Model Publication Scheme as laid out by the Information Commissioner.
Community Grants
Each year the Council extends the opportunity to local community groups, charities or voluntary organisations to apply for a financial grant from the Council’s grant budget of up to £1,000. There are certain criteria that must be met to be eligible for a community grant, these are set out in the Council’s Grants Policy which is available to download below. Terms and conditions apply.
Community Grants Application Form [doc]