Have your Say – Redevelopment of Manor Fruit Farm Play Area
As we all know playgrounds are the beating heart of any community, serving as a hub for children’s laughter, boundless energy, and social interactions. These spaces provide invaluable opportunities for children to develop physical skills, socialise, and explore their imaginations. However, just like any other infrastructure, play equipment in local parks comes with a lifespan.
Sadly, the play area at MFF is approaching the end of its lifecycle and we want YOUR input as to what is needed to revitalise this essential space. Many of the wooden balance/climbing features are getting old and tired due to wear and tear from use and exposure to the elements. These features were built in 2008 and have had a great life, bringing joy and fun to hundreds of young people.
Why do children need play areas? Fun is the most obvious, but they also have a key role in child development: the growth of motor skills, muscle development and coordination alongside spaces for social interaction, cooperation, and problem solving as children play together. Play areas also offer a break from the digital world, encouraging outdoor exploration which helps mental well-being.
Your Parish Council would like your input as to the types of play features you think would be best for this area, the age ranges they should be suitable for and what the feel of a new play area could look like.
We have created an online and paper-based survey for you to fill in. We would like views from all members of the community – children, parents, care-givers, grandparents – anyone who has an interest in the development of a new play area.
How to complete the survey:-
Scan the QR code or use this link on your computer, phone or tablet. www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PPT9RHG
Paper copies of the survey will be available at the Parish office, noticeboards and Normandy Shop and Café. Completed paper copies can be posted through the letter box at Normandy Village hall.
All forms to be completed and returned by 23rd October 2023