Local Plan – Response Letter
Please click the link below to see an example of a response letter to Guildford Borough Council regarding the Local Plan. We thank Sandra & Brian Grainger for their kind permission to submit the letter for your perusal and guidance.
REMINDER DEADLINE –18 July –Responding to the GBC Local Plan 2016
June 2016
Guildford Borough Council have proposed building over 1,100 houses and a secondary school on two sites in Normandy and Flexford–doubling the size of the village. The consultation period to respond to this development on Green Belt land in the Local Plan 2016 ends on Monday 18 July.
GBC Local Plan –http://www.guildford.gov.uk/newlocalplan/
Please use the information in the following places to help complete your response -remember to do it in your own words and not just cutting/pasting from here:
Normandy Action Group website http://www.normandyag.org.uk/
Email for responses to GBC localplan@guildford.gov.uk
Letters to Planning Policy (Local Plan consultation), Guildford Borough Council, MillmeadHouse, Millmead, Guildford, SurreyGU2 4BB