Palm Tree Nurseries – Occupation and Enforcement
GBC has responded to enquiries regarding the site as follows:
The site shall not be occupied by any persons other than Gypsies and Travellers as defined in Annex 1 of the Planning Policy for Traveller Sites 2015.
Reason: Planning permission has been granted on the basis of a demonstrated need for accommodation for Gypsies and Travellers and it is therefore necessary to keep the site available to meet that need.
The use hereby permitted shall be for a limited period expiring on 31 December 2018. At the end of this temporary permission, or when the land ceases to be occupied by those named in condition 4, the use hereby permitted shall cease, all caravans, structures, materials and equipment brought on to the land in connection with the use, including the amenity blocks, shall be removed. Within 3 months of that time the land shall be restored in accordance with a scheme previously submitted and approved in writing by the local planning authority.
Reason: To allow any longer would weigh against the balance of harm to the Green Belt; to allow for sufficient time for the development plan process to identify gypsy and traveller sites and in the interests of visual amenity, in order to secure the restoration of the land upon cessation of the use for which permission can only be justified on the basis of a special temporary need.”
The occupation of the site hereby permitted shall be carried on only by the following and their resident dependants:· Plot 1 Jerry Connors
- Plot 2 Felix Cash and Barbara Cash
- Plot 3 Paddy Doran and Philamena Margaret Doran
- Plot 4 James Anthony Patrick Ward and Eileen Jones
- Plot 5 Josephine Cash
- Plot 6 Paddy Cash and Christina Cash
Reason: The special circumstances of the case are key to the assessment of harm to the Green Belt.
There shall be no more than 6 pitches on the site and on each of the 6 pitches hereby permitted no more than two caravans (as defined in the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960 and the Caravan Sites Act 1968) shall be stationed at any time, of which only one caravan per pitch shall be a static caravan or mobile home.
Reason: To prevent intensification of the usage on this site, in the interests of the visual amenities of the area and to protect the Green Belt, because temporary planning permission has only been granted on the special circumstances of the case.