Public Access Defibrillator Training Sessions
I hope you have all noticed that we now have a Public Access Defibrillator on the wall outside Normandy Village Hall. This can be used by anyone, even if they have no training, because it has pictures and voice instructions to make it really easy. Roshan Bailey is arranging some training sessions for people to learn what to do when someone isn’t breathing, practice life saving techniques and feel extra confident if this situation arises.
There will be two defibrillator & lifesaving sessions on Thursday 18 May 14.00 to 15.30 and 15.45 to 17.15 in the upstairs meeting room at Normandy Village Hall. The two sessions on Wednesday 26th April are fully booked but she will be running a reserve list in case of any drop outs. Training is free but we have to change the airways in the mannequins for each user so she is asking for contributions of £2 per person.
If you or anyone you know wishes to book a place for 18th May or be a reserve for 26 April, please send Roshan an email and phone details and indicate any preference as to earlier or later session.
This training is for all Village Hall and Manor Fruit Farm users and Normandy residents. The more people who are confident about what to do when someone is unconscious and not breathing, the better for us all. So please do tell other people about it.
Roshan Bailey
Telephone: +44 (0)1483 234943
Mobile: +44 (0)7887 851047
Please contact Roshan on:
Telephone: +44 (0)1483 234943
Mobile: +44 (0)7887 851047