Normandy Historians
About Normandy Historians
In 1987 Normandy Parish Council expressed its concern that knowledge and memories of past village life would be irretrievably lost with the demise of elderly residents, known to have been born or to have lived most of their life in Normandy. The Council together with a small group of residents who were keen to form a Local History Group met to consider how to alleviate the Council’s concern. The group launched the project to form a Society with terms of reference ‘to record and publish the last 100 years history of Normandy in a form acceptable to the Parish Council and for the Council to assist financially in the project’. The inaugural meeting of the Society (known as Normandy Historians) was held in July 1987 when a management team was elected.
The logo of the Society, now affectionately known as ‘Norman’, was first used for the Wanborough Station centenary celebration held in September 1991. ‘Norman’ is a caricature of a warrior symbolic of all local study groups, in that he is the Defender of the past and Herald of the future.
The principal object of the Society, to compile the history of the village, was achieved in July 2000 when the book ‘A Century of Normandy in Surrey’ was published. Society members have since written and published books on the prominent local houses at Normandy Park, Westwood Manor and Henley Park.
Normandy Historians holds monthly meetings at Normandy Village Hall on the third Tuesday evening, except January and during the summer months. There is usually a speaker giving an illustrated talk on a historical topic. Guests are welcome to these meetings. Additionally there are visits arranged to local places of interest. Details of membership and the extensive information about the history of Normandy can be found on the society website: . Please send any enquiries to .
Why not join us?
Normandy Historians holds meetings on the third Tuesday of the months February to May, September to November at 8.00pm in the small hall of Normandy Village Hall, when there is a speaker giving a talk on a topic of historical interest. There are also occasional visits arranged to local places of interest.
Please visit their website for the future programme of meetings. Visitors are welcome at these meetings for a nominal guest fee.
The website has a contact form for further information or e-mail . Membership of the society is £10 per annum and the application form can be found on the website.