SCC Temporary Traffic Order – Seale, Tongham & Ash

SURREY COUNTY COUNCIL PROPOSE TO MAKE a Temporary Order under Section 14(1) and (7) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, the effect of which will be

  1. a) to prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding in the entire length of Seale lane (C20), Seale; vehicular traffic will be diverted via Hogs Back (C119), Hogs Back (C21), Elstead Road (C21) and Seale Lane (C20).
  2. b) to prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding in the entire length of Poyle Road(C19), Tongham; vehicular traffic will be diverted via The Street (C119), Manor Road (C17), Ash Street (A323), Ash Church Road (A323), Foreman Road (C18), White Lane (C18).
  3. c) to prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding in the entire length of Ash Green Road (D66), Ash; vehicular traffic will be diverted via Foreman Road (C18), Guildford Road (A323) and Harpers Lane (D67).
  4. d) to prohibit vehicles from entering or proceeding in the entire length of Harpers Road (D67), Ash; vehicular traffic will be diverted via Wyke Lane

(D66) and Guildford Road (A323).

  1. e) to suspend “The County Council of Surrey (White Lane, Ash)(Weight

Restriction) Order 1990″ in its entirety.

  1. f) to suspend “The Surrey County Council Various Roads in the Parishes of Ash and Tongham (Weight Restriction) Order 1996” in its entirety.

This Traffic Order is required to enable carriageway repairs/surface treatment and/or maintenance works on behalf of Surrey County Council. These works are anticipated to be carried out as soon as possible within the eighteen month period of operation of this Temporary Order that commences on

26 July 2018. Advanced warning signs will be displayed and the temporary closures will only operate when the relevant traffic signs are displayed.

Access for pedestrians; dismounted cyclists and equestrians will be maintained at all times under direction of a banksman. Access for emergency services, residences and businesses will be maintained under direction of a banksman via the diversion routes described above.


Winter damage Harpers Road TTRO application

Winter damage seale lane seale TTRO application

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