New Local Plan Strategy & Sites

Please click the link below to go to Guildford Borough Council’s Planning document on New Local Plan Strategy and Sites.

It is a large 260 page document which details all of the proposed planning sites around Surrey. Unfortunately we are not able to link individual sites relevant to Normandy, therefore the Normandy sites are detailed below with a Google map (with no detailed outline) for reference.

If you wish to see further information with a detailed map image and an outline, please refer to the GBC document, details of which are below.,-0.67847&spn=0.00554,0.007221

Site 45 Land to the south east of Hunts Hill Farm (to rear of Greenacres Farm adjacent to Scout hut and opposite Normandy Motorcycles) – pp D90-D91 (212 and 213 of 260),-0.666507&spn=0.00277,0.00361

 Site 46 Land near Anchor Copse (to rear of executive homes built on former Anchor public house site) – pp D92-D93 (214 and 215 of 260),-0.663627&spn=0.00277,0.00361

Site 47 Land to the north of Flexford (land behind Pusseys Copse through to Westwood Lane) – pp D94-D95 (216 and 217 of 260),-0.673299&spn=0.011081,0.014441

Site 48 Land to the east of Flexford  (rear of The Paddocks adjacent to the railway line) – pp D96-D97 (218 and 219 or 260),-0.663203&spn=0.00277,0.00361

Site 49 Land to the west of Flexford ( to rear of properties in Green Lane East down to Beech Lane including Lynwood Nurseries) – pp D98-D99 (220 and 221 0f 260),-0.677934&spn=0.005541,0.007221

Site 68 Land between Glaziers Lane and Strawberry Farm (field used as paddock and amenity lake to north of railway line adjacent to railway road bridge) – pp D136-D137 (258 and 259 of 260),-0.665574&spn=0.005541,0.007221