Your Village Needs You!
You may have heard that Normandy Parish Council is looking for new Councillors. We would like you to consider whether you would like to join us on the Parish Council.
We realise that you probably wonder what the Parish Council actually does and what the time commitment might be. We hope the rest of this letter will make this clearer and if you would like to have a chat with me (the Parish Clerk) or one of the current councillors, please do contact me.
Role of the Parish Council:-
Normandy Parish Council aims to represent the interests and views of the residents of the village, in doing so we aim to improve the lives of local people, enhance our surroundings and protect our environment.
As we own Normandy Common and have a long term lease on Manor Fruit Farm and the Normandy Allotments, we have specific roles in managing these properties for the community.
We also comment on all planning applications within Normandy Parish Boundaries, though do not have a direct say in what is approved or not.
We organise events such as the Bonfire and Fireworks, Fetes and this year the Jubilee celebrations as well as village litter-picks and conservation work parties.
We work closely with the tenants and residents of Manor Fruit Farm and Normandy Common to ensure that all work together for the best of the whole village.
We have a number of statutory duties as well, including ensuring finances are kept in order and the precept is spent effectively and to the benefit of the village.
Time commitment: At a minimum you will attend 1-3 meetings a month (depending on the committees and working groups you join). These meetings may have reports or documents that need to be read ahead of time. At times, you may help with organising events or working parties around the village. You might also take on a project or event as the key person.
We use email and Teams as our main form of communication between the Councillors and Clerk so being willing to use these is really essential
The current councillors are quite a mix – in age, in length of time lived in the village and in what we do. Some of us work, others are retired. Some have young families, others do not. We all have other responsibilities and recognise that being a councillor is an unpaid role, whether you are elected or co-opted to the position.
However, we are all committed to improving Normandy for all people within the village and hope that you will consider joining us.
To be a councillor, you do have to be over 18, have the right to live/reside in the UK and either live or work in Normandy or within 3 miles.
If you would like further information, please contact me:-
Email:- or on 07739 969518